Stakeholder briefing February 2024

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The Devon and Cornwall Care Record (DCCR) enables authorised health and care staff to see details held by a wide range of providers across Devon, Cornwall and the Isle of Scilly in a single record. It gives professionals a more complete view of a patient’s history and is part of a national programme.

Electronic Treatment Escalation Plan (eTEP) going live

The eTEP is now live and being rolled out across Plymouth and West Devon.
The form itself has been well received and users have reported that it is easy to complete and more than 300 eTEP forms have been completed in the DCCR.
The rollout is about to enter a significant phase with the addition of over 7,000 members of staff at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP) being provided access to the system. UHP are currently undertaking various communications activities to promote the system, and to inform staff about the eTEP.

UHP has implemented an alert system within their SeeEHR application that uses an interface to pull the TEP DNACPR status from the DCCR and display this within SeeEHR so that staff can see this without having to launch the DCCR – although clicking on the status indicator will open the DCCR and display the full eTEP document. A similar development is underway at Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (RDUH).
There are plans to implement an automated electronic message to GPs to inform them when a eTEP is created for one of their patients in order to allow them to code this information into the practice system.
Care home engagement is ongoing and all care homes in the Plymouth and West Devon area have now been contacted directly. 30 care homes are currently in the process of signing up to the DCCR with three care homes already ‘live’.

The rollout across the rest of Devon is currently being planned. Cornwall and the isles of Scilly are running a project to implement the eTEP and planning is ongoing with regular meetings of a stakeholder group.
Support videos are available on the training site: Devon and Cornwall Care Record
For additional information on the eTEP project and rollout, contact James Boult or Jane Bullard at

Stakeholder news

Following the successful implementation of SystmOne by Devon Partnership Trust, they are now sharing their data with the DCCR. This can be found in the Clinical Document Viewer on the left of the summary screen. This interface uses the same mechanism as the data already provided to the DCCR by Livewell and the Hospices.
In the next few weeks, admission, discharge and transfer information, as well as ED attendances and outpatient appointments and attendances from Royal Devon University Healthcare (RDUH) may be available on the dashboard panel on the summary screen. RDUH will be on-boarding a small pilot group of users shortly as well, with a view to a more widespread rollout later in the year.
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust has recently started work on launch in context and admission, discharge and transfer messages.
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust are planning a wider rollout of the system in the very near future and are currently pulling together some specific training material for their staff.
Both Cornwall Council (social services) and Devon social services are also in the early stages of engagement to be consumers of data.

The Devon out-of-hours service, Practice Plus Group (PPG), are in the process of on-boarding staff to the portal in lieu of integration for launch in context with their Adastra system.
A full list of participating organisations can be found on our website.

Organisations not already signed up but wishing to participate can email and somebody will contact you with information about how to engage with the programme.

GP Connect

GP Connect testing has proved to be more time-consuming than hoped, but relates to a change we must make to the login for portal users. However, this should be resolved and we are planning to go-live mid-March.
The change itself is to implement a product called Keycloak, which portal users will need to use when logging in. Unfortunately, as part of the migration users will need to set a new password and portal users will soon be receiving an email explaining what they will need to do when we switch over. The process is straightforward, but we do apologise for having to do this. The new password will then not expire for 365 days, in line with the password policy for NHS Mail.
Once Keycloak is live users will have access to GP Connect data via the Clinical Document Viewer panel and Medicines information from a new Medicines viewer and the primary diagnosis from a new Problems viewer tab. We will be adding some guidance to the training site on the use of these new features in the next couple of weeks and we will notify users as soon as this is available.


The DCCR has been successful in getting funding from NHS England to integrate the Orion ShCR to the NHS App. Initially, this is for the Wayfinder (acute appointment information) programme, but in the future will include the capability to surface other information held in the shared care record into the NHS App.
While Devon and Cornwall have been provided the grant, the agreement with Orion is that once implemented this will be available to all other Orion customers in England using the Engage Portal at no charge.

South Western Ambulance Service

With the eTEP now live it will be a significant advantage if SWAST first responders and ambulance crews were to have access to the DCCR. The technical solution to this is to integrate the DCCR with the National Record Locator (NRL), which in turn links to the National Care Records Service (NCRS).
Whilst there is a national programme, locally the DCCR team and Orion are looking at ways in which this work can be accelerated to provide benefit to patients in the South West. More information on progress will be provided in future bulletins.

Find out more about the DCCR

The programme team has also produced a range of resources to help staff and patients find out more about the DCCR. These include a:

Quick guide to the DCCR – basic details about the programme.

Spread the word and get in touch

Please forward this email to any colleagues who might be interested in knowing more about the Devon and Cornwall Care Record. And if you have any questions about the programme or would like to find out more, email the team on

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