DCCR briefing May 2024

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The Devon and Cornwall Care Record (DCCR) enables authorised health and care staff to see details held by a wide range of providers across Devon, Cornwall and the Isle of Scilly in a single record. It gives professionals a more complete view of a patient’s history and is part of a national programme.

Electronic Treatment Escalation Plan (eTEP)

The eTEP is now live and being rolled out across Plymouth and West Devon, with a project now underway for North and East Devon and plans for South Devon to follow. Cornwall also have a pilot project for the East of the region.

There are now over 1,000 treatment escalation plans (TEPs) available in the system and the number is growing weekly.

There is a small issue with the form in that the Care Choices field is mandatory and primary care staff are not able to complete the acute setting options. An update is being worked on and this should be available in the next few weeks.

A children’s version is also on the way and should be available by the summer.

The support videos remain available on the training site: Devon and Cornwall Care Record.

With the continued deployment to care homes, there are plans to provide training to staff for a pilot to allow them to complete TEPs for their residents.

For additional information on the eTEP project and rollout please contact either James Boult at james.boult@nhs.net or Jane Bullard at jane.bullard@nhs.net for Devon and keziah.lagor1@nhs.net for Cornwall.

Stakeholder news

In the last bulletin, it was reported that Devon Partnership NHS Trust (DPT) data is now available. We now additionally have children’s services data and this can be found in the same area in the Clinical Document Viewer on the left of the summary screen. This interface also uses the same mechanism as the data already provided to the DCCR by DPT, Livewell Southwest and the Hospices and should therefore be familiar to users.

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust are in the throes of a wider rollout of the system which should be completed in the next month or so.

Admission discharge and transfer information, as well as ED attendances and outpatient appointments and attendances, from Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will also shortly be available on the dashboard panel on the summary screen. Royal Devon will be on-boarding a small pilot group of users shortly as well, with a view to a more widespread rollout later in the year.

Cornwall Council have now signed up as consumers and are in the process of enabling Launch in Context for Mosaic. They hope at some stage to also become contributors, but this may be subject to finding the funding. Devon Social Services have also signed up as consumers.

Engagement with care homes and domiciliary care providers continues and there are now over 40 care homes and 11 care agencies with access.

A full list of participating organisations can be found on the DCCR website.

Organisations not already signed up but wishing to participate are asked to email d-icb.devonandcornwallcarerecord@nhs.net .

GP Connect

GP Connect is now live. This was a significant change and did mean that there were a few hours downtime. However, with this upgrade it is anticipated that future releases can be achieved faster with less disruption.

For a short period, we are intending to parallel run with the MIG, but GP Connect information can be identified by the label GP Practice in the Clinical Document Viewer.

The improved functionality of GP Connect means that we have been able to deploy both the Orion Medication and Problem viewers. The problem viewer is a new tab and the Medication viewer is available from a new dashboard panel. There are plans to further enhance the information available from GP Connect from within dashboard panels.

The training site is currently being updated so temporarily there are some PDF guides on the Teamnet site.


Orion are continuing working with NHS England on integration of the DCCR with the NHS App for acute outpatient appointments. Royal Devon University Healthcare are going to be the early adopters, with the intention of UHP being an early follower.

This is anticipated to be ready for testing in late summer.

South Western Ambulance Service

There is an update to the position with SWAST and the National Record Locator (NRL) and National Care Records Service (NCRS) to allow SWAST to see the eTEP’s in the DCCR.

Orion have commenced work and Devon and Cornwall are going to be the national (Orion) early adopters, with Derby wishing to be an early follower.

It is anticipated that this will be ready for testing late August to early September.

Find out more about the DCCR

The programme team has also produced a range of resources to help staff and patients find out more about the DCCR. These include a:

  • Quick guide to the DCCR – basic details about the programme.
  • Patient communication toolkit – a suite of marketing materials to help organisations inform their patients and service users about the DCCR and its benefits. (download the quick guide and patent toolkit from the DCCR resource)
  • Website – information about the DCCR for patients and health and care staff. The site can be found at https://devonandcornwallcarerecord.nhs.uk/
  • Training website – supports staff of participating organisations in the use of the DCCR platform. The site includes user guides and short videos and can be found at https://elearning.cornwall.nhs.uk/?p=site/m/devon-and-cornwall-care-record

Spread the word and get in touch

Please forward this email to any colleagues who might be interested in knowing more about the Devon and Cornwall Care Record. And if you have any questions about the programme or would like to find out more, email the team on d-icb.devonandcornwallcarerecord@nhs.net

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