DCCR May briefing update 2022

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Across Devon and Cornwall, a programme of digital work is underway to deliver a new system called the Devon and Cornwall Care Record (DCCR) that will transform the way we provide services to patients.

The Devon and Cornwall Care Record enables authorised health and care staff to see details held by a wide range of health and care providers across Devon, Cornwall and the Isle of Scilly in a single record – giving them a more complete view of a patient’s history. It is part of a national programme to transform information sharing across health and social care.

Each month we will provide an update for everyone interested in how the programme is developing.

Engaging health and care providers

In recent months, we have hosted numerous webinars to enable our primary care colleagues to find out more about the DCCR and how they can participate. Attendance at these events has been outstanding, with 75 practices taking the opportunity to get more information about the programme.

We will be holding two webinars in June:

  • Tuesday 14 June, 12pm – 1pm
  • Wednesday 22 June, 10am – 11am

If you would like to attend, please email the team at dccg.devonandcornwallcarerecord.pmo@nhs.net

Public engagement

Although the DCCR does not radically change the care process, it is vital that patients and service users understand how care providers manage their data. Therefore, public engagement is a key aspect of the programme.

With this in mind, we have produced a communications toolkit which we will be providing to participating organisations to inform their patients or service users about the programme.

The toolkit contains a suite of bespoke resources that convey the key points of the DCCR, including how it will improve their care and how data is kept safe and confidential. The resources include a poster, leaflet, patient email, infographic and digital graphics.

We recently held a productive meeting with Healthwatch in Cornwall to discuss all aspects of the project, from data sharing agreements to data controllers, and to get their feedback and input. We met with Healthwatch in Devon in March.

Data sharing agreement

To participate in the programme, all stakeholder organisations are required to sign a data sharing agreement (DSA) that specifically relates to the DCCR. Once we have held conversations with organisations to get them onboard, we send them the DSA via an electronic document system called DocuSign.

To date, 65 organisations – including 55 general practices – have signed up. You can see a list of the participating organisations on the DCCR website.

We are in the process of contacting health and care organisations in Devon and Cornwall as part of a phased roll-out. If you would like your organisation to participate in the DCCR, please contact us using the email address below.

Technical and clinical development

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2012, all data-based programmes – such as the DCCR – must meet a series of clinical risk management standards to ensure they are safe to launch. The DCCR is currently undergoing these checks, which seek to identify potential hazards and mitigate risks.

This month, we are delighted to welcome a variety of new participating organisation members to the DCCR Professional and Clinical Steering Group, which supports the programme’s clinical safety and priorities. The group now comprises around 30 members, drawn from a wide range of health and social care providers.

Looking forward

The programme will continue to work with GP practices and other stakeholder organisations to increase the number of data sharing agreements in place. This will enable the wider health and care community to benefit fully from accessing information and provide better care for patients.

Extensive testing will also continue behind the scenes. This testing ensures the system works correctly and patient information displays for the authorised clinicians and healthcare workers who will access the record.

Keeping you involved and informed

We will share regular updates with key networks through their meetings and bulletins and all essential information will be available on the programme’s dedicated website www.devonandcornwallcarerecord.nhs.uk

However, if you would like us to attend one of your regular meetings to provide more details about the programme, please get in touch.

Spread the word and get in touch

Please forward this email to any colleagues who might be interested in knowing more about the Devon and Cornwall Care Record. And if you have any questions about the programme or would like to find out more, please email the team at  d-ccg.devonandcornwallcarerecord.pmo@nhs.net

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